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Best hair growth treatments

That’s it! You are sick of thinning hair. Tired of waking up and finding new and creative ways of styling your hair so that it looks full and thick. You don’t want to wear hats all the time in order to hide the growing bald patch on the top of your head. You want effective and accessible treatments for hair growth. 

In this article we will discuss the best hair growth treatments for men and women and where you can access them today!

PRP Treatments

PRP stands for Platelet-rich plasma and it a natural method of treating hair loss. It utilises the amazing power of your own blood to encourage the hair follicles to engage and promote sustainable hair growth. Depending on the level and type of hair loss you are experiencing, the number of treatments will vary, but early treatment is most effective.

Blood is drawn from your arm and then run through a centrifuge where the spinning splits the blood into its various components. The platelet-rich plasma (hence the name) is then injected into the affected regions of the scalp. Combined with micro-needling the whole scalp, blood flow is encouraged and hair follicles are stimulated.

This process works for more than just the scalp and can significantly help with beard patches too. It can be frustrating to have a patchy beard, especially if having a beard is your preferred state. Our PRP beard treatments have helped thousands of Australians.

PRF Treatments

PRF (platelet-rich fibrin) is like the new and improved version of PRP. It boasts a similar function, except it has some added benefits. Because the blood is spun at a slower speed, more of the nutrient-rich fluid is retained and also the tubes are stored at low temperatures contributing to 20-50% more PRF liquid. 

We are actually one of the first clinics in Australia to offer this revolutionary treatment option, which was pioneered in the United States.

An optional LED Light therapy is also available which helps promote healing and stimulates the cells.

This procedure is also available for beards. 

In fact, both these procedures are available for more than just hair regrowth. They are also fantastic skin rejuvenation and anti-wrinkle treatments too. That is how powerful your own blood and body is!

The 2 Main Keys to The Best Hair Growth Treatment

There are 2 main keys that will greatly impact the effectiveness of any hair growth treatment.

  1. Early Treatment

Noticing the signs early and then acting upon them is a crucial part of ensuring any hair treatment effort is maximised. Early treatment can save you time and money, by reducing the amount of treatments necessary and by being more effective overall. If you are noticing signs, don’t delay in seeking treatment.

  1. Professional Consultation

A cookie cutter approach to hair growth treatments is a sure-fire way to a disaster. Each head of hair is different. The causes, lifestyle, progression and goals will be different for everyone. If you are being offered a generic hair growth treatment plan, you will likely regret that pathway.

Having an honest consultation with professionals where your needs are discussed and your options are outlined, will help ensure you get the best treatment available. One that works for you!

You can be promised the world but without a proper consultation your needs may not actually be met.

Thankfully, our nation-wide clinics are staffed with professionals that have assisted thousands of individuals with their hair growth treatments. Contact your local clinic today to get the real best hair growth treatment available. 

Royce Newton

Royce Newton

Royce is responsible for expanding Hair and Skin Science throughout Australia, Asia and part of Europe.

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